Incident Management Training
Olympic Peninsula Paddlers, Sequim, August 14th
A big thanks to the Olympic Peninsula Paddlers for having Fidalgo Paddlesports come out to Sequim for an Incident Management Training. It was a pleasure to work with the 17 paddlers who took part and grow our collective awareness and skill sets together as we analyzed real world incidents, explored the traps leaders fall into when making decisions, worked on our rescues and recoveries skill sets and refined our judgement in this fun and interactive day!
We appreciated everyones involvement and personalities, great questions, contributions and the atmosphere we created of challenging our perceptions of on-water leadership and how to create safety in all that we do. We hope you were able to learn something from the experience and feel inspired to keep the learning process happening to become ever more capable risk managers.
Thank you for the opportunity to work with your paddle club. We hope our paths cross again soon!

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